I have a Fostex B-16. I got it more than 20 years ago, my first multi-track recorder. It’s a 1/2″ 16 track analogue tape recorder and it’s an alright machine. It was made for the pro-sumer market – only 2 heads and ins and outs on RCA plugs. But it runs at 15ips and has Dolby C and if you take care it can make really great recordings.
It hasn’t recorded anything in a long time but I still get requests to digitise tapes.
So, to be sure tapes get the best possible playback, the playback circuit of the B-16 has to be set up / tuned properly. That can only be done with an alignment tape. Here is a video of part of the alignment process.
I’m told people are interested in this sort of thing, so … enjoy.
Yup, 2 minutes of awesome test tone.